Soon the conversation began

Richie was invited by Steven for dinner. Both were very good friends and classmates in Westminster School, London. Richie lived in Bond Street and Steven lived in Jermyn Street. Richie went to Steven’s home and he was heartily welcomed by him. Steven and Richie entered the drawing room together where a number of people hadContinue reading “Soon the conversation began”

He was arrested by the Chicago police

Jason had taken debt from many people in Chicago but he did not return to any one of them. He is thirty years old man. People had filed lot of complaints to the police. Police had sent a policeman to Jason’s home. When policeman asked questions to Jason, he defended himself. He said there isContinue reading “He was arrested by the Chicago police”

Life after death in Spain

Prison authorities of Spain were puzzled after a prisoner was declared dead by three doctors just hours before his autopsy. The prisoner did not respond in his cell during a morning call. So, he was transferred to a hospital mortuary in a body bag. A strange thing happened. Pathologists noticed some sound. It was snoringContinue reading “Life after death in Spain”

Do you really get care?

It sounds strange. Isn’t it? You are looking for a place where you feel caring. People come together to help others whether it is the time for food, laugh or any other disaster. We feel that we belong to others when they share a particular feeling even if they are strangers. We know such kindContinue reading “Do you really get care?”

We all returned safely

Colonel George had retired from U.S. Army in Washington D.C. Tom had invited him for dinner to his home. Tom is Lieutenant in U.S. Army. George is a fine man. Everyone likes him a lot. He has a holiday home in Bavarian Alps, in a Bad Waldsee. When he wasn’t there, he would let hisContinue reading “We all returned safely”

Which dinosaur you would like and why?

There are lots of dinosaurs species which used to be in past. If I would have been at that time I would have preferred Pterodactyl as pet dinosaur. It has the ability to can fly anywhere. It would have taken me to seas, rivers, hills, mountains and many other places. Kindly mention your favourite dinosaurContinue reading “Which dinosaur you would like and why?”

Fifty thousand dollars job

“Do you remember Alex” George said to John and Daniel who were staying at his Union Place apartment, Washington DC,USA. We met him a few weeks ago. “What happened ?” Daniel asked. Alex is fine in fact. He has developed a well furnished boat. It is going to have maiden run next week,”George replied. GeorgeContinue reading “Fifty thousand dollars job”

Do you know these men?

Ken and Julian are two reporters of Daily Herald in Rockford, Illinois. They had gone to Osberg Motors to get some information for their article. It was a small company, neat and clean. They talked to the receptionist. Receptionist told them to wait. Someone would soon come to meet them. People were coming and going.Continue reading “Do you know these men?”

It was a very beautiful moment

It was Saturday when a police officer went to a grocery store in Ohio to get some cold to drink. When he walked into, it was a heated drama. Police officer was Lt. Alan. He was approached by a store security guard who asked for help. “Here is a suspected shoplifter.” the security guard said.Continue reading “It was a very beautiful moment”